I thought it would be interesting to post a blog post that I found here:
Since my weekend is very busy, I will post this evening and hopefully provide my thoughts to the post tomorrow :)
Poll Results – Finally!
I know, it took me long enough to get to this post, but in all fairness, I have been busy.
- I have planned a vacation
- Purchased a new website*
- Reorganized my next book
- Reorganized it again
- Gathered new information
- An finally... Drew up a new outline!
So, yes I have been busy. I know many of you are wondering about my new book. Well, you will just have to wait. But I think you will like it.
Now for the unscientific poll results I promised...
The question for this poll was:
“Which of the following would you find exciting if your partner made you do it?”
Answers in order of popularity: (380 men responded)
- Swallowing your own semen............ (66%)
- Being naked while doing chores....... (62%)
- Masturbate in front of your partner. (59%)
- Wearing a butt-plug in public........... (56%)
- Wearing lady's panties...................... (51%)
- Being fondled in a theater................. (40%)
- Being naked in front of strangers...... (32%)
- Masturbate in front of others............ (32%)
- Giving oral sex to a man.................... (31%)
- Masturbate in a public restroom....... (13%)
What I find most interesting about these results is the fact that there was only one answer that did NOT get at least 30% of the respondents. At first glance you might think that men don't want to do anything potentially embarrassing if they have to be by themselves. That may very well be the case. It could also be that they felt they would have to do it in such a way that they would get caught. However, the question did not specify exactly how they were to accomplish that particular task (or any others in the poll, for that matter). I have personally assigned this task to several different man and each of them found it to be very humiliating and exciting to perform. I think men want to be pushed into doing things that they would not ordinarily do... Including jerking off in a public restroom.
I will let these results stand on their own. The point I wanted to make to you women (especially you Key holders out there) is that humiliation is something that most men enjoy. Their tastes range from simple to extreme, but you will have to find out what works for you and your partner. Just don't overlook such fun activities because you don't think he wants to do them. The fact is, he can't tell you that he wants you to “make” him do certain things because that would ruin his enjoyment in doing them.
Mistress Ivey
*More on that in my next post.
I hope you've had a great weekend so far, ma'am.
I remain,
Your Pet and your tiny toy :)
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