I am so excited to post my first entry on my new blog!
Thanks to Becki for setting it up and encouraging me to express my thoughts regarding this unique relationship that I approached her about. My wish is to be honest and truthful in my posts in order to stimulate dialogue and give her a chance to get inside my head as we progress.
I will use "you" in my narrative, since I feel I am writing this for your eyes at this time. Ma'am can be substituted if you prefer. :)
You chose February 1st as a starting date to take full control in this relationship. This includes control over my cock and my orgasms as well as a willingness to help me stretchhhh my limits of sexuality.
I realized suddenly that ownership would take place two days before we actually texted each other today. Two whole days without wanking to orgasm!! You may not have known before I told you today that I have been a habitual wanker since the age of 14 or 15. It started with discovering my dad's hidden Penthouse and Gallery magazines at an early age and has taken me from publications to movies to the Internet. When I was masturbating so much at a young age, I thought that I was different from others then came to the realization by educating myself that I was no different than other horny males. Honestly, the longest that I have gone without orgasm from the age described and my current 49 has been a full week....maybe a few days longer but not much longer...Therapists would say that I have an addiction, and they would likely be correct. On the other hand, I am okay with me and what I have done and will do. :)
I hope to share current interests and sites that I find incredibly arousing in order for you to get a glimpse of what is inside my head.
As you know, my third day of chastity was today, our first day texting! The experience was absolutely incredible for me, especially the amount of attention that you gave me! My phone is on silent, and when your texts reached me with a vibration from my cell, I anxiously read and re-read each one. The whole experience was so stimulating full of teasing and flirting. Honestly, my cock was hard much of the work day....kind of like Pavlov's dog....feel the vibration of your texts, then go hard without having to read the text in my pocket! I really couldn't have asked for anything more for a first day!
Since I feel that I am serving you, feel free to refer to me with any nickname that strikes you. I really really like being your "Little Toy" and your "cock slut." Both references and any others that come from you would be considered outstanding.
Day four of chastity will be difficult, but I am hoping that you will provide me an opportunity to release when we share communication on Wednesday. As stated previously, if you give me permission, feel free to provide parameters to your decision..."I want you to cum when viewing my pics" or "I want you to cum to this pic I will send you" or "I want you to cum to this video link that I find arousing" or "I want you to cum to this story I will share with you"...I hope this makes sense. You make the decision and I will follow your directions (and provide proof if you require it)...I fully acquiesce for you to totally control my orgasms and what I am allowed to orgasm to....
Thanks for reading such a long first post. I will post with due diligence yet again tomorrow. :)
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