Sunday, November 16, 2014

I also expect a blog post detailing why our relationship was beneficial to you and the aspects of it that you are most looking forward to having again. By tonight.

Benefits of Our Relationship (In no sequential order...brainstorming and writing):

1. It fulfilled a fantasy of one (you) controlling my orgasms which I always thought was incredibly hot
2. It fulfilled my intense need/desire of being subjected to the whims of a dominant female
3. It fulfilled my curiosity to expand my limited experiences in regards to sexuality including my new-found interest in BDSM
4. I always wanted to be considered your favorite, and it made me feel good believing that maybe I was a favorite
5. It was beneficial, because you accept all the sexual "quirks" or interests I have without batting an judging
6. I felt that both of us were learning at the same time and that made it even more beneficial in my view...I wouldn't be interested if I thought/felt that you weren't having fun with it...
7. It gave me an outlet to discuss my own sexuality and interests with someone I trust
8. It excited me each day looking forward to how the relationship would expand....what's next?...what is on her devious mind today?....a definite break from the mundane
9. It fulfilled a fantasy of being "owned"
10. I felt that the relationship helped me become closer to you due to the times that we spent together over the years...and I liked the idea of becoming closer and to know you better

Most Looking Forward to Having Again (Again, no sequential order):

1. Helping me experience my quirks
2. Daily contact through text
3. Spoiling you
4. Your creativity in developing the relationship
5. Waking up in the morning excited to start the day
6. Giving you control of your toy again....(it's been ridiculous since we've stopped...details later)
7. I really look forward to becoming one who you can experiment on with your interests....honestly I want you to try things that you've always been curious about...even your interests in administering pain
8. Wanking to the "Becki file" again
9. The excitement you project when you're plotting
10. You

Hope you have a wonderful evening, ma'am.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Return?

Coming soon :)

I hope that you'll have me back as yours....